Quantum Capsules
I understand the need to constantly update the game as well as replace old things, however what I am very disappointed about is today when I opened the game, every one of my quantum Capsules where not only replaced with kinetic energy capsules but everything I had in my quantum Capsules is GONE I had very very rare items in some. don't mention some pretty important portal keys for portal I cannot get to on a reg basis, in fact very rarely, like not get to in years.
All my items moved to regular caps safely, that I can tell. I'd message support.
So need to post an almost immediate update. apparently I did not look closely enough, all my items were placed into other Capsules. so I did not loose them.
goes to show, need to pay attention a bit more 😂
if you can't get to a portal you're not supposed to link to it
This is a nightmare! The Frog/Smurf ratio around here is like 10:1. How am I supposed to keep up without quantum capsules? 😪
What did quantums get you that you couldn't hack yourself in that area?
my guess high lvl xmps...
Those are available from green portals too. And given that there are more ENL in that area, the assumption is that a lot of those portals would be perpetually upgraded to high levels.
Guess you can't blow up the opposing teams high level portal if you dont have the Qcaps to create you high level items. Now you will need to buy either the high level items from the store or H cubes to be able to keep hacking the other teams portals. Lol its not a game any more. If you need to spend money to participate.
Thats what I meant. Mainly LV 8 bursters. 10:1 Frogs:Smurfs was an exaggeration on my part. More like 5:1. There aren't any L8 Portals around in my City.
But those Frogs are hovering over their recharge buttons 24/7. It can take more than 100 L8 Bursters to destroy one L6 Portal (not an exaggeration this time, I counted to 100, then gave up, Portal still up) And I get this all the time.
It isn't so much pay to win, it's pay to play now.
Now that the QC's are gone, we need a new recipe for the Kinetic Capsules to generate Level 8 Bursters!