Wayspot nominations disappear

Device: SONY xperia 5II with Android 12. Slow WIFI network.

I uploaded 5 wayspot nominations, there was 2 wayspot nominations upload failed due to network reasons. I touch upload button again, all wayspot nominations uploaded successful and disapper in manage contributions page. But I got 3 wayspot contributions on email and wayfarer website only. This is not the first time nominations disappeared, so I took a screenshot before I upload.

Wayspot nominations upload and disappear at 16:38 GMT+8, October 1st , nominations edited on October 1st. I lost 2 wayspot nominations, wayspot title 致远堂 and 汇源堂.

This is another time I lost my wayspot nominations, I uploaded 3 nominations at the same time, disappeared nominations also uploaded failed on first time then successful on second time or third time. Wayspot contribution 篮球场 upload successful on the first time, so I can check it on wayfarer website.

Wayspot nominations upload and disappear at 20:21 GMT+8, September 17th, nominations edited on September 2nd. I lost 2 wayspot nominations , wayspot title 水船 and 儿童体育乐园.

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