Drone jumps are broken
Drone doesn't seem to jump at the first try.
This behaviour occurs like 80% of my jump attempts. It has been like this for at least 3 weeks now, definitely before Munich, maybe since mid July patch.
Steps to reproduce:
Imagine jumping from portal A to portal B
1) Be on main screen
2) Open drone view
3) Jump with drone to portal B, cooldown goes to 60:00
4) Initiate hack on portal B
4a) Get "Portal not in range" error, even though I am allowed to hack - hack button is on
5) Return to the main screen
6) Go to drone view again
6a) Drone is still at portal A, cooldown at 00:00 (Ready to move)
7) Jump with drone to portal B, cooldown goes to 60:00
8) Initiate hack on portal B
8a) Hack successful
Clearing cache and/or reinstalling Ingress didn't help.
Ingress v2.96.2, Android 11
Motorola Moto G 5G Plus
I experience it too. I think it's a dirty writing in the DB and it remembers 2 locations of my drone.
It was in July. I was in the location with spotty WiFi and cellular. I moved my drone and tried to hack a portal. It took too long time to bring command line and I restarted the app and moved to the place with better WiFi. My drone was on the same place and I moved it again and hacked the portal. I was busy and next time I moved my drone after a few hours. I experienced this issue. I found a workaround to move the main drone and do not get the ghost drone.
1. Move drone.
2. Close/restart the app
3. Hack the portal where is you main drone.
If you try to hack the drone right after it was moved then it will compare the main drone location with the ghost drone location and it will show you the message with error (something related to location). It means there are 2 rows in DB with my drone because it remembers both locations. It's my guess.
Ingress 2.96.2.
Google Pixel 5a 5g
Android 11
Will try this when my cooldown hits 0.
But it's still a bug innit?
This was happening on and off for a few users while back seemed to require support intervention
I now have similar issue with two dron instances, with two remembered differents locations on two different cities.
Sometimes I can move the main drone, and sometimes the ghost one on another city, its some random wich one of them appears when the countdowm arrived to 0 for move, and sometimes appears the location error that you commented.
Ingress v2.96.2, Android 12
Google Pixel 4 XL
Didn't help, drone still broken.
Same issue for me. It's been at least 3 months now, maybe longer. I put in a support ticket and they responded with it's been fixed. But nothing. I have two instances with the drone and I have to move and hack twice to get it to work once. I haven't found a way to get it to work right yet.
I've seen this a few times. But most of the time the first time I open drone to move it, portals don't even load and I have to close and reopen the drone button a few times to get portals to even load.
These 2 drones are both mine
Yes, it's a bug.
I've had issues with the drone for some time now. I try to move it, nothing happens, then I try to move it again, 'Scanner communication error'. Try to move to the portal again: 'Drone already at target portal'.
I can then hack the portal, and whilst I'm glyphing another 'Scanner communication error' will show.
Happens 1 in every 5 drone moves approximately.
@NianticVK Can you check?
I would say this bug is a feature. I've just checked and my stats have bumped up for both drone instances. But it is very inconvenient feature:)
Hey @QaGuy! This should be resolved now. Please check.
Can you please fix my drone also? It has been this way for me since springtime at least.
The "two drones-problem" still occures in v2.99.1 on a Xiaomi 10T lite-mobile with Android 12.
In my account I have one drone in Belgium moving from one new portal to another and the other drone jumps between 2 Level-8-portals near my home. However, which drone I may move next is random.
It works like a charm now. v2.99.1
I have the same two drone issue described above. Would be great to lose one before the Peace Week event. 🤞
The 2 drones-issue still occures in v2.100.1
A few days ago some player send my drone located in Belgium home. First I thought, the duplicate drone problem was solved for me.
But the Belgium-drone did not show up at the player's location - it's was at one of the portals of the second (local) drone.
However even now in v2.100.1 I still move two separate drones.
When I hack after moving the drone, I often receive the error "Out of range", then I reselect the drone - (then: the 2nd one on another location) and move it and hack successfully.
This re-selecting is annoying and it's not fair (ok: we all use the same faulty software) to other users to move 2 drones: one for collecting new drone portals at one location and a second drone to farm on level-8-portals at another location.
I'm also one of those players who are using two drones at this moment. My scanner is ver. 2.101.3. Would you kindly fix it on the server side, @NianticVK ?
Same here.
Mine is doing this too. Even after I recalled it and redeployed it. I did find that you can get more drone hacks than normal if you tap hack before trying to move the drone. Once moved, it says the portal is out of range. Exit drone mode and re-enter and it's at a different location. And can be hacked again. It's been doing this for several weeks now.
Hey @GambitXFactor! It should be resolved now. Please check.
Hey @eByte! This should be resolved now. Please check.
Hey @nokoanama! It should be fixed now. Please check.
Not solved yet.
It is. Thanks!
@NianticVK I have the exact same issue with having virtually two drones as described here above by others. Would it be possible to fix my account also? Thanks
@NianticVK i have the same problem. Could you please fix my account too?
Thanks a lot