Q3 live events schedule when?

Q3 (July, August, September) is approaching fast. During these months a lot of people take some weeks off for vacation. Plans are being made even as we speak. How great would it be to go to an old style Ingress Anomaly and MD again? 

Please consider to provide some dates and places for Q3 live events to make it possible for agents to book tickets at a reasonable cost and let people themselves worry about real life obstacles related to travel as we have to anyway for all other business or leisure travel.


  • TooLegitToExistTooLegitToExist ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022

    Early june is earliest i would expect....

    Edit:. Just noticed last quarter was posted on 3rd march so itll come, be patience :)

  • PixelbytesPixelbytes ✭✭✭

    Niantic soon tm

    Meanwhile they still owe us the roadmap for Q2 for ingress scanner as well as the schedule for MD/NL. 🤐

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