Jacksonville, Florida USA Mission Day (details? info?)

in Mission Days
Where is the information on Date, Time, Location, etc for the Mission Day in Jacksonville, FL? Is it supposed to be a not-so-secret secret? When I go here: https://ingress.com/events/ and hover over Jacksonville, I still see nothing. Does anyone have details? Please share.
The mission day will be on April 24th, and if it's anything like past mission days, will run the whole day. I assume the page to sign up for it will go online a few weeks prior.
I'm trying to figure out if it's feasible to go. The longer Niantic takes to give us proper information on this event, the less likely my chances of going become.
Mission day will be around Landing Park. I think there are 24 missions that will count and you only need to do 6 missions for the badge. There is also a GoRuck Fitness event that weekend. These badge tics are probably auto scored these days as they were in 2020 Hexathlons. You get the badge or badge tic instantly once you hit six missions or at least you do not have to go to a place to check out by volunteers agents viewing your scanner.
This was the notice. I think this is enough to plan travel. I have attended 21 mission days.
24 April: Sandlot JAX Jacksonville, FL (US) Mission Day
There is a xfaction mission day channel on Telegram where you can discuss planning. I won't post the link to the telegram chat, but may be someone else can. That's usually how I join and plan and I have attended 21 mission days before the pandemic.
Thanks for the info. So I'm guessing doing the missions any time on the 24th is fine between 00:00 and 23:59 local time? I'd be interested in joining the chat if someone could invite me, same username on Telegram.
I'd like to join the chat too please.
Check your telegram. You should be invited now.
Me too please. (are you ready for an avalanche of these, or can someone just post the link?)