Feature requests to make battle beacon event better

unagiramenunagiramen ✭✭✭
edited January 2022 in Events

I attended Kureze Effect Phase 1 Tokyo site. Overall It was great event and I was impressed to see the winner faction of battle beacon immedicately on the field.

I have some suggestions in my mind to improve this event even better. Let me share four ideas below.

[ Visualization ]

* Agent deployed rare battle beacon and NIA deployed rare battle beacon should be distinguishable on the map. Currently, To distinguish them, I have to see who deployed it on the COMM, but this is definitely not intuitive and we would easily confuse agent deployed RBB with NIA-deployed one.

* Battle Category should be displayed at a glance on beacon and/or portal detail view. Currently, Battle Category is only displayed in COMM, but this is NOT straight forward.

* Battle results of battle beacon should be available on intel map public log to inform every one on the globe what kind of the battle happened there. Intel map log should include winner faction, battle category and score.

[ Event ]

* In the past, every anomaly event came with newly designed character in-app medal. If Kureze Effect is XM Anomaly, Niantic should sell newly designed one. (Victoria Kureze medal is an old one)


  • haripoharipo ✭✭✭

    Agent deployed rare battle beacon and NIA deployed rare battle beacon should be distinguishable on the map.

    I agree with you, and that’s possible if the ornaments are visible until the end of anomaly, which actually disappeared before the rBB had been deployed.

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