

Without your efforts

it would not be possible to make this field!!

Thank you so much!!

0pp3r4z3r, 3ntity, 4NG3LDU5T, Agent327love010, Agentmoppie, AgentVrolijk, ArnoB01, Athena2021, b1bb3r, Balkanbabe, Bavke, BAZlNGAA, bierland74, BlueDragonIV, BlueLunaStarz, Bluewindmill, BobbyEwing5, bokje1989, Bosnimf, brokenbone16, BuurmanRuud, c00lske00, CDUCALIMERO, Clara82, da6t33x, DarkLord1994, Denbackeljau, Disconnected404, doobie4life, Doodelzak, Drekes01, dressie, Dvdfryk, EdgeAgain, ellenkelly, EllipisScorn, enforcerBE, ExiaDouble00, Fazer6, Fietspomp, Fortifer, Fourmedambert, Frogbully, garfieldje, gitteke, GoodGirlxXx, Grshdw, Haklaelvi, HighlanderNL, HomerGAdams, huitdepique, icefr34k, IronSoldier030, itsmeeetallyb, JamesTMS, Jckstar, Jlieeen, joachim75, justmeister, Kerris, Kisuke4sama, Koekfield, Koppiekrauw1974, KwebbelJuba,kanaiva, KyRoGd, Luckyorchid, m3r3ltj3, Magneetje74, mamsmelk, Markoezzz, Mathieub93, meliodas34, MerlierR, mhopper, Mickey50, nathanacdc, NCC74656VOY, Niwi80, nomadandrea, ObiTwan71, OfficerWhiteOne, PadBol1742, Picardemon, pinballfranky, poshjosje, Quicky667, Rayne89, RazerKill, rezzmonk, Rugila, RvH1976, Se7enOfNine, seippa, Semafoor89, Skoebie172, SpaceLion22, Sparkygti, Stegow, STrek77, tcdlv, th3v4p0r1z3r, TheBlueLebowski, TheRunn3r, TheSenseiNL, TheSpeedyB, Thibasch, thieudebeu, Tikaytk, TriquetraX, TurboHunter, TwilightZon3r, twotam, Tyxlep, viruselektro, voeghtje, Voivod, wargima, Wezeltje, WimmoX, Wintovka, Wizzy01, WKCJAY, Wwtrs, xE3Nx, xiphiax, Yoshi4184

In total we created 40 fields. From 1.8 million mu per layer.

Black Illuminator:








How nice is it to think of fielding. After the last ops OneGoodName

you think for a moment, rest would be nice. But within 1 week I was

already thinking about something. How nice!

In the previous ops we had help from our southern neighbours. So maybe

I could do another ops with them.

This time it was a bit more difficult to find a good anchor. I had to

ask 4 players. That doesn't happen to me very often. Then finally

there were 3 anchors! Okegem in Belgium, Oudewater and Venray. Well


You know it goes, farming keys, searching for players, looking for

even more players and looking for even more players. But, what a great

team we have formed.

Now it comes down to the last 2 weeks. It's all actually going well,

until 2 enl players start playing again. How do we keep it under

control? Actually, there is no beginning to that. We can only hope for


December 18.

1 day before the ops. The press conference of Prime Minister Rutte….

WHAAAAAT? Can the ops still continue? Now again intel team

consultation. And yes we will continue!! If everyone behaves and

thinks for themselves, it should be fine. There is 1 advantage: the

group size is max 2 agents and, by law, there is no room for frogs at

the anchor.

December 19.

OP’s day.

Almost all sectors are doing well. But there will always be

something.... And yes, my own sector. Just before the ops there is a

sick report. And with the new Dutch lockdown, everyone is going for a

walk again, what resulted that a lot of blockers popped up as fast as

mushrooms. Fortunately, we have a good operator in that area. And

class players who are quite flexible.

We moved 10 players! Fortunately in the part where the sick report

came, 1 decayed blocker fell away. Otherwise, we would have had to

move 11 players. Some agents were told: "Take your bike with you and

get on, you will get your alerts while driving towards the portal."

What a top team we have. The rest is history.

Thank y

ou all very much. And until the next ops.



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