Soon(tm): Update to Wayspot Submission-Related Emails

edited December 2021 in News

Hi Agents -

The Wayfarer (WF) team is making updates this week that will change the branding (look) of the emails we receive with regards to our Wayspot (Portal) submissions. They will no longer be Ingress-branded and will instead be Wayfarer-branded.

More information on the update in general can be found here:

Specifically the last paragraph relates to this update:

Also this week, we’ll be launching our new and improved Wayfarer emails! We’re super excited about the fresh new look and updates to the emails you get about the status of your edits, reports, and nominations. New Explorers also receive an email inviting them to join the community once they reach eligibility in Pokémon GO or Ingress. They’ll now be coming from [email protected] so please make sure you keep an eye out for it in your spam if you’re not seeing them in your main inbox.

For those of us who do frequent submissions, I recommend adding that email to your contacts or whatever folks do to help keep email from ending up in spam.

Questions should be posted on the WF thread linked above. I'll post a quick update here once I've heard the update has rolled out.



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