[Chatter] What Portal do you feel best represents your town/country?

edited December 2021 in General

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What Portal best represents your town or country for a non-native? What Portal would you share with an Ingress friend from the other side of the world that says "THIS BEST REPRESENTS WHERE I LIVE"?

I'm looking for:

  1. The name of the town, state/provine, or country
  2. Name AND the Intel Link to the Portal you feel best represents your town/country
  3. WHY you feel this Portal best represents your town or country

Alternatively, many people no longer live where they grew up. You could instead/also share a Portal from home that brings back happy memories.

I'll start...

  1. Michigan, US
  2. Mackinaw Bridge - https://intel.ingress.com/intel?pll=45.788342,-84.731808
  3. I grew up in Michigan. I was on one side of the Mackinaw Bridge (Upper) and all of my family was on the other side (Lower). Every year for long school breaks, we drove the 10+ hour drive to see our family and the Mackinaw Bridge was the staple of the road trip: If we were headed South, it meant we would drive faster once we got over; if we were headed North, it felt SO MUCH SLOWER. Who would be awake to see it? WHO WOULD SEE IT FIRST? (They always got a quarter from Mom... but now that I think about it, I don't know if we ever actually got our prize...MOOOOOOOM!)
Post edited by NianticThia on


  • You've not sold me on purchasing a plane ticket* to visit Moscow suburbs. What is special about this Portal?

    (*Disclaimer: I am not purchasing plane tickets to visit anywhere at this time but I do love to travel (personally) and hope this thread gives me ideas of places to visit in the future.)

    1. Boise, ID, USA
    2. B
    3. This big metal B (for Boise State) is a visceral landmark in my area. I wouldn't consider the B to be a statue - whoever heard of a statue of a letter? - nor would I call it a sculpture, because it's not abstract in any way, shape or form. Folks, it's a big, shining letter B. What makes the B great? It isn't caught up in exposition or grandiosity. The B is very literal, and it speaks for itself. People see it and they understand it. It doesn't belong in a museum; there's nothing left to ponder. These qualities make the B a good representation of Boise as a whole: easily accessible, and worth its face value. Boise is not the world's cultural center, but it is pleasant and livable. For many people, Boise is loveable for the same reasons. Also, the B is a common choice for photo ops. Say cheese!
  • Not exactly "back home" but like a second home:

    1. Cheboygan, MI
    2. The Big Dipper (https://intel.ingress.com/intel?ll=45.64246,-84.47848&z=17&pll=45.64246,-84.47848)
    3. No summer trip Up North is complete without visiting the Big Dipper, where you can still get a giant scoop of ice cream for $3.50. It looks like a 50's soda shop inside, the line every night is out the door, and every person you ever meet who has a cottage on any of the Inland Lakes has fond memories of this place.
  • HamsterrificHamsterrific ✭✭✭
    edited November 2021
  • VaskinCallVaskinCall ✭✭✭✭

    good day. Ilya probably didn’t want to sell you a ticket. Obviously, this is alas sarcasm. In our country, everyone is still spitting on portals from the forsquare.

    On the topic of the same branch. All my childhood and youth I have lived in a small provincial town. This is a very ancient city with a centuries-old history - Torzhok.

    According to one version, three golden doves speak of the city's wealth, and three silver doves speak of kindness and purity of the soul.

    The blue background symbolizes the sky.

  • Brisbane QLD AU

    Nothing is complete without a meetup or feed at Hungry Jacks at this portal above.

  • 1) Novosibirsk, Russia

    2) There no photo yet, but it's best portal in our city. It named "Притон ПолуживаяШлюха"


  • Representing Moscow (PNW USA)

    Movement Sciences Metal Sculpture

    This may seem like a mundane sculpture, but to local Agents, this portal would be considered the Ingress center of town. Visiting Agents from several states away will stop by this portal. Agents from both factions have ran through active water sprinklers, waddled through rainstorms, and dodged hail to reach this portal. For some local Agents, this portal is also where they were first introduced to Ingress.

  • kiloecholimakiloecholima ✭✭✭✭✭

    My favorite place to play Ingress was Tacoma, WA, USA where I lived from 2014 to 2020. I would like to nominate:

    Rainier Room


    Rainier Room was the site of the official afterparty where the results of the Helios anomaly series were announced by Susanna Moyer on September 27, 2014. It is located in Freighthouse Square which is a shopping center modeled in an old railroad building a short distance away from the Tacoma Dome. Inside, you have diverse food options, unique small shops, and a haunted house. It also serves as a transit hub.

    On a personal note, it is the portal where I reached Level 16 for the first time back in November 2015. By dumb luck, a fellow teammate pulled up right next to me at the moment it happened and we chatted for a while afterward. I met agents many times here both accidentally and for what we called "midnight shift", a group of fellow Resistance agents who were getting off night shifts and would play into the night rebuilding Tacoma into a city-wide farm and Resistance stronghold.

  • 1.São Paulo/ Brazil


    3.Onça pintada. Uns dos melhores desenhos urbano pintado em um muro, a onça faz parta da fauna amazônica.

  • caytcayt ✭✭✭

    @NianticThia LOL I had a feeling that was the case. Hope you had a good laugh.

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