World Record for Layers

BountyHunter23BountyHunter23 ✭✭✭
edited November 2021 in SITREPs

Operation Key Lime π x 100

World Record 314 layers!

Planning – When the Enlightened of Florida read about the 302-layer world record in Italy it was immediately apparent that we had to beat that. We have access to the longest spine in the world – The Florida Keys. Despite this being a classic layered field (two anchors and a spine), the sheer size of the spine made it quite a laborious process to plan.

Resources -Two issues loomed large at first. How many agents would be needed and where are we going to get all those keys? Arrangements were made for overnight accommodations at Sunshine Key RV Park. Eleven agents volunteered to go south for the operation in 6 cars teams. Keys and Soft Banks (these were LONG links) were gathered from agents from Tallahassee to Key West and from Texas to Cuba. These were relayed to agents involved in the op. 

Statistics – The actual throwing took 10 hours and 40 minutes, start to finish. The fields ranged from 5.1 million MU to 5.5 million MU for a total of 1.7 billion MU, enough to move the global average. 

Take down – One of the anchors on this operation was [REDACTED] and is notorious for being spoofed by the resistance. But we are very happy to say that this did not happen this time and we were able to complete our mission. The take down was done mostly by single resistance agent, [REDACTED], who worked many hours over several days and nights to **** the spine portal-by-portal. It makes one wonder where the 3,000+ bursters came from. Not to mention all the resonators he used to deploy as he went. 

Fields vs layers – Just to be clear, we differentiate between a “field” and a “layer”. We could have back linked all these fields and ended up with over 900 fields, but our goal was to break the world record for number of layers. And we did!

Agents – The agents on site were DarthLayer (team lead/driver/boat ride), Gr33np3ac3 (organizer/thrower), BountyHunter23 (planner/driver), Lindow1 (thrower), GuidoGirl (thrower), Pimpin10n1 (thrower), DoctorAnomaly (driver/thrower), AriaLake (thrower), SiriusAmory2113 (driver, thrower), tmxod (driver/thrower/boat ride/photographer), bigtunacan (thrower). Amazing and awesome Operators: roarex and Tyreno. Kudos to our support team who gave true meaning to the term “crown sourced”: SutefaniDeluxe (funds, gear, Bok anchor), ViridianRave (Gitmo anchor), The_Ric (gear), bccTimeAttack (gear keys and mule),  Shoopz (OSA anchor team), TheMachine7734 (gear), Fast420A (gear), AisforAndis (keys), Ocktoberfest (Bok backup), Porkobyte (keys/gear), Aconite42 (keys/gear), Dazanar (keys), WulfMichaelson (keys), Cerridwen0507 (keys), Hydriad (keys), 00Silverado (keys), Pyrallis (keys).

Post edited by NianticVK on


  • You did not hit any resource limits ! Moar Layers !

  • NysyrNysyr ✭✭✭✭

    I should add its currently never been easier to get gear from enemy portals, and a proper drone farm should give like 20 X8 every 9 minutes right now. Just to quash ideas its not possible.

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    I appreciate your understanding.

    Y'all have a good one! :)

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