2022 - The Return of Live Events?(!)
Niantic › admin
I mentioned in my update related to game latency and missing POIs that in Q1 we will be planning for 2022. I will be pushing for live events (among other things) where it's safe to do so.
Knowing that...
Besides Anomalies, what types of live events or challenges would you like to see?
Hexathlons! Preferably in many cities so they're easier to participate than anomalies. I think Perpetua and Lexicon had too few locations planned for them (5 per region), Field Test had 15 per region so that would be better imo.
Global Hexathlon with an leaderboard. And in person FS, FS@Home is getting boring.
If your location allows gatherings, there's nothing to stop you from organizing an in-person IFS. Many locations have done so. You don't get double AP, a registration portal, and a restock portal, of course.
Shard events please!
More challenge badges. I don't think they should all be extraordinarily hard to obtain golds for, but one or two during the year as hard as optima or Aurora would be nice.
Agree, getting submissions for new ones of these online would be awesome! We should get new cities recruited for the event and have a couple next year.
Regarding anomalies, seeing a shift of the formula to include more participation like the remote cells would be great. Something not just recharge rooming or throwing links/fields to participate in anomalies again if you don't go to one.
Shards, the global faction versus faction kind. 😛
Not the same without an gathering portal for media and when people can stay at home too get participation they will do so.
I never got to participate so I don't know if this is a good idea or not but so many agents have told me it's a bad one lol
Could we have another Goruck Prime Challenge? That was a lot of fun still don't understand how Niantic picked the finalist but still would like to do it again.
If you think that's likely to happen, it suggests to me that many people in your area may not be interested in meeting up, and they may not participate in in-person IFS (or would go, hack the registration portal, and leave, if they're mainly interested in the badge).
Well that the point. The participation rates are x3 times higher with people i never seen. Id rather say hello too that person at the registration portal and meet those people during / after the gameplay. People dont wanna video chat, they want too grab a beer together and meet in person but as long as the FS rules are what they are they will stay at home.
Ingress x GORUCK events! I believe Some could be run on current Anti-Virtual format, already used by GORUCK.
Global Challenges that are Faction vs Faction are really missed. I'm not against Co-Op, but we should have both types
Descentralized Global Hexathlons with no need to gather.
Everyone can do what needs to do in any cluster of portals. 👍
Hexathalons in some sort of fashion since they're smaller events than anomalies that people might be more willing to meet up at. The more sites available the better and possibly some sort of local play option for people still in COVID regions.
GO RUCK integration would be cool too!
Finally, localized events like the Dark XM event that gave anomaly intel for Cassandra Prime. For this event, Niantic gave faction leaders (probably vanguards) target portals to starburst from. If the minimum link threshold was met, the faction scored a point. Later in the event, faction leaders were given a sets of two portals that a link needed to be thrown between for more points. Many of these portals were in major city centers 100s of miles apart to boost the difficulty. These could be good events since Niantic could set targets in 'safe zones' pandemic-wise.
Edit: I agree with wanting shards as well! I was just nervous I would be the only person wanting them xD
I would like upcoming live events to be similar to FIELD TEST. Personally, one of the best events in which he brought together many agents who had already stopped playing. And the dynamics of having online statistics and managing a ranking was something that motivated you to follow.
F2F FS where possible. Build a story arc that leads to anomaly Q3 or Q4 2022 where it is safe to do so.
This has been our local experience. We've had in-person meetups for the last 3+ IFSs with less than 5 people in physical attendance. Many locals are itching for official support for in-person, but won't make it a priority to attend the unofficial meetups (myself included). The registration portal and 2xAP makes the event feel so much different. This is coming from a community that recently had 30+ attendees (possibly 50+) for an NL event.
You said "People dont wanna video chat, they want too grab a beer together and meet in person but as long as the FS rules are what they are they will stay at home."
That's contradictory. They obviously prefer to stay at home and get the badge. If they prefer to grab a beer together and meet in person, they will do that, because nothing in current IFS rules say they cannot do so.
Anyway, I'm not saying there shouldn't be in person IFS. I enjoy them myself and would love to see them return. I'm merely pointing out how you can have in person IFS right now. IFS is also organized by FevGames, not Niantic, so that's where you should lobby instead.
A portal hunt in a city.
Niantic creates a mission that has 15 hidden portals in a dense area like a city center or large park, with clues for each. The order is randomized for each person starting the mission, and you can't get the next clue until you complete the current one.
First person (or team) to complete the mission wins a prize.
Allow regional organizers to provide the course and clues (and obviously they're exempt from the play).
And no one will attend those in person FS with the reasons I mentioned. Obviously they will stay at home , press recharge one time and no selfie required and get participation.
Connected cell battles!!
Mission day
Nl-1331 (EU/Asia) - (On a side note, when is NL 1331 2020 medals be available in the store?)
First saturday - (physical meetups with bonus in AP leveling/restock item)
Second sunday(Will there be plans for it to evolve to a meet up event or ?)
Will be nice if we have a portal hunt event (similar to the tessellation event original rules during pre covid times)
An event that would like to exist and appealing to the nostalgia of beta agents, it would be interesting to have the challenge of playing Ingress as in the beginning, collecting Exotic Matter from the ground and not being able to use the energy cubes and other functions that only they had.
I think regional shards, (or a shards challenge at IFS) would be really awesome. But a continuation of the storyline that doesn't fizzle out like it has previously would be really awesome. Add in the suggested redfection (https://community.ingress.com/en/discussion/7781/redfection-the-xm-parasite/p1) as a global challenge, with unpaid badges, and you've got yourselves a golden nugget☺️
Sorry Hexathlons lack the intensity and team bonding that anomalies have. I've attended Hexathlons and well, it was like a big First Saturday.
And Shards would be AWESOME!
Just no more xfact shards. please....
I would like to see events similar to anomalies, in that they have few locations but significant benefits for attendence to encourage people to travel. We have vaccines generally readily available, so reasonable people are able to protect themselves while attending (mask and/or vaccination). The cost/benefit has to make sense to get people to actually show up.
The cost of FS and the benefit of FS are both quite low.
The cost of Hexathlon is higher but so is the benefit.
The cost of traditional anomalies is the highest but the benefit is greatest by far and really makes this game and community worth investing in.
An anomaly-like event is really what this community needs to be rejuvenated, and I hope you can make that happen.