[Results are in]: Vote for the next Kinetic Capsule Program
[Official Poll Result]
Update: Agents, thank you for participating in the poll! Winning by a landslide, the Hypercube Program will officially be added to the roster of Kinetic Capsule Programs and will also be made accessible to Agents Level 4 and 5 today at 8PM UTC.
Note that the Program will display as “Hypercube”, but the Program will add 5 Hypercubes to your inventory upon completion.
With 4,547,690 Portals captured during Operation Sentinel (2,330,759 by the Resistance and 2,216,931 by the Enlightened), Agents have successfully defended the Portal Network from threats for the foreseeable future and unlocked the poll. For one week starting today, the poll will be accepting votes to determine the next addition of the Kinetic Capsule Program. On June 8th 20:00 UTC, the Program with the highest vote count will be permanently enabled, and the Kinetic Capsule will also be made accessible to Agents Level 4 and 5.
The Program candidates will be the following:
- ITO EN Transmuter (+)
- Program: 3 Rare Multi-Hack + 6 L4 Resonator (or higher) + 4000 XM + 8km
- ITO EN Transmuter (-)
- Program: 3 Rare Multi-Hack + 6 L4 XMP (or higher) + 4000 XM + 8km
- 5 Hypercubes
- Program: 10 L4 (or higher) Power Cubes + 4000 XM + 8km
- 16 L8 Resonators
- Program: 40 L4 (or higher) Resonators + 4000 XM + 8km
The poll will be accepting votes until June 8th 19:00 UTC.
If y'all aren't voting Hypercubes I swear
EDIT: bruh cmon Brian
The 5 hypercubes are the best bang for buck.
PS. I LOVE that you can see who voted which when they comment
The Hypercube program seems even better now than during Optima, instead of 2 Hypercubes, we'd get 5 with the new program. Still waiting warmly for the VRT and VRFA though.
For the long run, Hypercubes might be the smatest choice.
Any of the above are really interesting, but the hypercubes are the only one usefull right now.
The recipes are so underwhelming I don't even want to vote.
16 L8 resonators seems like it would be beneficial if it wasn't for the 8 km. I do like the thought process with using 40 L4+ for 16 L8 - a ratio of 5 to 2
What are these programs? So many portals per resonators and hypercubes? It's a joke right?
Guess its already decided who wins lol...
Resonators are much more useful for me, I have a stash of hypercubes that I rarely dig into :)
I think they are all ****..
I've picked hypercube because they are at least worth it. Ito minus would have been my choice if it wasn't for needing rare multi hacks, way too expensive
I vote Hypercubes
Yeah I just wanted more resos before I run out 😶
Why on earth are so many people voting hypercubes?! Hypercubes are ten a penny, virtually every hack gives you one or more. I throw 30-100 away every day
I voted.
But wish to also have both ITO mods too
Jak będzie ITO- to HC można wyglifować nawet niszcząc wroga i sawiając swoje portale. A ITO- się przyda na farmy i domówki które Jak to bywa w życiu są niszczone
Hypercube ftw!
Hypercubes are easy to get. Only those who are not in the habit of making glyphs may have some difficulty in obtaining them.
Indeed, seeing what people voted for is a nice feature, but maybe not all polls could benefit from it, future will tell.
I could see many agents in low pop areas having a use for 16 L8 resonators, but the clear winner here is hypercubes. This poll is already over.
Cubes here 🐸👍
What we really need is a 10 link amp program.
ITO+ just to ever complete that Onyx Engineer. I need more mods...
For my own inventory I want those hypercubes, but the R8s seem like they'd be so clutch for the legendary lone rural player, I gotta go with that option.
@NianticBrian can you please clarify a couple of things.
1) Is the new program going permanent.
Ie unlike the flip card program that we had before which expired after a month.
2). What discussions are there for both Very Rare Turrets and Very Rare Force Amps as programs?
I would have bet money that the ITO programs would have required the opposite ITO, I'm surprised they didn't.