Triangle Enlightened - Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and beyond!
Greetings agents!
Despite the prevalence of blue in local college colors, the Triangle Enlightened are showing NC how to have fun and build community in GREEN! We are always welcoming new players and we teach and learn as a group. More experienced agents can also help with leveling and territory strategy. We also coordinate for special events and operations!
If you are looking for us, just tag any of the top active Enlightened agents in the Enlightened faction / team chat in your scanner. We'll connect you with directions to our local area community chatrooms on Telegram. You can identify local agents by watching the news at 20-50 km range or check the scoreboard for our Cell.
See you soon!
WulfMichaelson, E16/14 (recursed), N. Raleigh
I can vouch that the Triangle Enlightened are good people. Anyone living closer to the Winston/Greensboro/HighPoint area are welcome welcome to join their sister community of the Triad Enlightened. Feel free to sign up at!
Join our chat.
It is called "NC Coast Enlightened".
I just started it and looking for members.
Do you have a link by chance?