the cheats of the Quilmeña resistance (los tramposos de la resistencias quilmeña)
It has been a long time since the Quilmeño resistance, that is what they call themselves, sent portals within a private fishing club that only members can enter, not only one portal accepted them but there are 3, we can denounce those portals because for the Niantic rules these portals are invalid, but Niantic never resolved any of the complaints, the portals are still there, they never used them to link but as of the date they started to use them being impossible for the enlightened agents to be able to download those portals, that's how cheats are those of the Quilmeña resistance
El Ancla del Club Náutico Quilmes,-58.232143&z=17&pll=-34.703421,-58.232143
La Sirena del Club Náutico Quilmes,-58.233298&z=17&pll=-34.70433,-58.233298
El Mástil del Club Náutico Quilmes
You need to report invalid portals via Not here :) Write there all proofs and reasons why you think this portal should be removed.
Portals with limited access have always been allowed in Ingress. Some you have to pay to get to, like portals in a theme park. Here in England there are a couple of portals in a relatively secure business and the only way to access them is to work there. It isn't "fair" but it isn't cheating either.
La res siempre utiliza ese tipo portales.....sin portales con acceso restringido no son nada
Sounds like the concept of "fun" and "game" are unknown to these kind of agents.
The portals look valid to me.
Other faction has portal in military base here right in suburban area. We can't get to it.
Work around it, or block it.
I myself have access to exclusive portals and I barely use them.
They are nice for a 1 day trick or even some kind of special OP, but abusing them in a daily basis is not nice at all!
Winning the game is not where the fun lies, will you people ever realize this?
Thanks for dropping in, @martinba! As @atsepicnu mentioned, please reach out to our Wayfarer community team ( and create a new discussion. We'll take it from there!