XFAC Black Explorer/Pioneers! 💚💙🖤
in Recruitment
Have you earned Black (Onyx) Explorer OR Pioneer? If you would like to be added to the community please post your badge screenshot along with your telegram handle in the comments below!
First of all, one needs to be able to post images here. The way the forum is setup is clearly not meant to be community-first.
I remember when it was a Platinum Explorer chat on Hangouts... I think I was member number 30 or something like that, back in 2014
Niicccceeeeee! Are you in telegram channel? If not, let me know and we can get you in there!
FYI to those getting back to work on these badges!!! 💚💙❤️
I reached onyx back on September 20th. Same username in telegram.
Telegram: @oscarc1
Explorer isn't too far off either lol
Telegram @Perringaiden
All caught up, and have ya'll added to the tg community!