Flag abuse to block level up in the community
Hello, all my post and comments in the new ingress community are being set as flag by the users Khatre and MrVulgaire. That behaviour blocks me to get level two and write good posts. I checked all my message, i understand that maybe one or two are not appropiate (there were a joke). But all the other comments or post are serious and I get a flag wihtout a logical reaseon. Please review the actions of these two users. Hereafter an example community.ingress.com/en/discussion/492/0/#Form_Comment
Best Answers
SolarQuest33 ✭✭
Flags are not anonymous.
Click on the 'Flag' item, a popup with items 'Spam', 'Abuse', and 'Report' is displayed; mouse over one of this item and you see who has voted for this item.
Out of curiosity, how do you know its those users? Flags are anonymous.
Flags are not anonymous. You can hover over them in the PC and view them.
Flags are not anonymous.
Click on the 'Flag' item, a popup with items 'Spam', 'Abuse', and 'Report' is displayed; mouse over one of this item and you see who has voted for this item.
Try it today, but i cant see the users who flagged the first post.
the hover method only works to "Insightful" and "like" button
Click the Flag link to bring up the menu, then hover over each of the Spam/Abuse options.
@Korzhak yesterday i was able to check like you say, but today, i can't.
Dunno why this change.
You need to be on desktop mode.
Edit: Oh ok, broken here too
probably it was changed to preserves some level of privacy perhaps?
Yes presumably that it was visible was unintended.
This has changed since I last replied. It is now private
Yes it has changed. And it's worst because how can we avoid this kind of behaviour ??
Ye , dunno why but i think nia prefer to don't show reports to prevent the discussions between agents for reporting. (there are some in the community yet)