From recursion button to l8 in 7 minutes without faction changing
And in ~5 minutes from first to last link (animations of levelups after first round of linking are really exhausting)
Last cross destroyed:
Lvlup screenshot created:
Yep, not solid proofs at all, but it is what it is :)
Assistance: @Jourando and @polargris (crosses), @EchoZer0 (portal flips)
@EchoZer0 also recursed and got L8 right after me in 7.5 minutes:
Stated: 00:06:14
Finished: 00:13:49
Who can do it faster without wintraiding and faction changing? :)
P. S. I know about, it was really impressive!
Can you describe the process?
Something like that
Relink nested fields from cluster of portals several times