Update on Anomalies and Events for 2020

As we’re all aware, these are incredibly challenging times. Through it all, the resiliency and the strong ties within the Ingress community have kept us inspired. Our thoughts go out to every person affected by what’s happening in the world today.

Back in March, we made the difficult decision to postpone our planned live events in 2020 in light of the growing concerns surrounding the global pandemic. During this time, we've had numerous discussions about how events would operate under all of the health and safety measurements we'd take. We reimagined how events can still bring the community together while practicing physical distancing and being safe. After carefully reviewing this ever changing situation, we have decided not to host any Anomaly events in 2020 out of an abundance of caution. Although this decision comes at a time of universal uncertainty, our top priority remains in the safety and health of our players, staff, and the community. 

In the meantime, we’re committed to finding alternatives for new formats of live events that can be played outside safely. In Quarter 3, we’re planning to release Battle Beacon, a Faction versus Faction competitive feature deployed by Agents that can be played at Portals while maintaining physical distance. We’re also exploring Connected Cells using the Regional Scoring feature, and Global Challenges around movement (Trekker) or Missions completed. 

When local public gatherings can be managed safely, we will explore resuming small-scale live events with careful planning and promoting healthy practices. 

We’ll continue to observe guidelines from global health experts and local authorities, and we encourage all our players to do the same. We look forward to sharing our event plans as they develop. We appreciate all of the feedback and suggestions you’ve shared and continue to share in the Ingress Community Forum. Thank you.

Stay safe and healthy,

— Ingress Events Team



  • Neku69Neku69 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm rooting to test Battle Beacon!!

  • kamilus83kamilus83 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    Hope there will be set of awesome anomalies in 2021.

  • Thank you for keeping our safety and our interest in the game in mind. Well done.

  • dfau1tdfau1t ✭✭✭

    Battle Beacon! wow!

    But what about drons event, medals or anomalies?

  • Neku69Neku69 ✭✭✭✭

    I would be mad to those who are not doing confinement and spreading the virus elsewhere. It increases the risk for a second wave for the rest of the world

  • MoogModularMoogModular ✭✭✭✭✭

    I really like the idea of connected cells with missions. That does add some focus on creating missions in unique, new areas while also maintaining social distancing.

  • Ansiosa de que se active Battle Beacon

  • --- Português Brasil ---

    Como todos sabemos, estes são tempos incrivelmente desafiadores. Por tudo isso, a resiliência e os fortes laços na comunidade Ingress nos mantiveram inspirados. Nossos pensamentos vão para todas as pessoas afetadas pelo que está acontecendo no mundo hoje.

    Em março, tomamos a difícil decisão de adiar nossos eventos planejados ao vivo em 2020, tendo em vista as crescentes preocupações em torno da pandemia global. Durante esse período, tivemos inúmeras discussões sobre como os eventos funcionariam sob todas as medidas de saúde e segurança que tomaríamos. Reimaginamos como os eventos ainda podem reunir a comunidade enquanto praticamos o distanciamento físico e a segurança. Depois de analisar cuidadosamente essa situação em constante mudança, decidimos não sediar nenhum evento de anomalia em 2020 com muita cautela. Embora essa decisão chegue em um momento de incerteza universal, nossa principal prioridade permanece na segurança e na saúde de nossos jogadores, funcionários e comunidade. 

    Enquanto isso, estamos empenhados em encontrar alternativas para novos formatos de eventos ao vivo que podem ser exibidos ao ar livre com segurança. No terceiro trimestre, planejamos lançar o Battle Beacon, um recurso competitivo de facção contra facção implantado por agentes que pode ser jogado em portais, mantendo distância física. Também estamos explorando células conectadas usando o recurso de pontuação regional e desafios globais em torno de movimento (Trekker) ou missões concluídas. 

    Quando as reuniões públicas locais puderem ser gerenciadas com segurança, exploraremos a retomada de eventos ao vivo em pequena escala com planejamento cuidadoso e promoção de práticas saudáveis. 

    Continuaremos a observar as orientações de especialistas em saúde globais e autoridades locais e incentivamos todos os nossos jogadores a fazer o mesmo. Esperamos compartilhar nossos planos de eventos à medida que eles se desenvolvem. Agradecemos todos os comentários e sugestões que você compartilhou e continuamos compartilhando no Fórum da comunidade do Ingress. Obrigado.

    Fique seguro e saudável,

    - Equipe de eventos do Ingress

  • PkmnTrainerJPkmnTrainerJ ✭✭✭✭✭

    Decision makes sense. Snuck in the Battle Beacons bit there that’s been found in the code for a while. Will be interesting

  • mortuusmortuus ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    Please consider doing Optima Global with drones? The Nemesis challenge will resume when unless they are on hold until next year ?

  • SnowXTCSnowXTC ✭✭✭

    Hopefully we can bring back anomalies in 2021. They are the reason many play. They have created ever lasting friendships and the Ingress family.

    Thank you for all you have done during these trying times.

  • The battle beacon sounds interesting. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  • ikaros02ikaros02 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm looking forward to the global challenges, I assume they will still be named after Optima and Lucida?

  • Very sad to hear it and face that reality even though it’s absolutely the right call in these pandemic times :(

    Now spill the details on Battle Beacon, sis :P

  • Es obvio que los eventos de asistencia llenan de emoción ya que la adrenalina fluye cuando se participa en los eventos de una competencia global realizada en un lugar en particular.

    Pero no es de menos tampoco el hecho que se pueda realizar una ANOMALIA VIRTUAL. Ya se ha experimentado con eventos globales en la limpieza y/o creación de campos, la instalación de resonadores y un sin fin de muchas más pruebas.

    La idea sería buena si se planifica de tal manera que se aprovechen todas las ayudas que se has estado liberando; tales como el dronenet, que tenga funcionalidades especiales durante un evento y que permita un enfrentamiento global virtual de toda la comunidad ingress.

  • aaronviannoaaronvianno ✭✭✭✭

    An appreciated update, though it's been ridiculously long since we've had one. To see an update with 1 feature, and on top of that the feature being at least 2-3 months away is a bit of a let down. A Trekker challenge would be cool since it can be done anywhere. Missions would be great too if you could give us the ability to do them a bit remotely. Much of the world still cannot move around properly.

    Connected Cells aren't the best if you're looking to give a specific city something because the city you pick just ends up getting covered by other cities. The players within the city itself don't end up doing much. We've had several instances with CCs and SFOs where locals did close to zilch because the aim was to cover the city for MUs. In this current scenario I don't believe something that encourages agents to go on unnecessary travel is a good idea. A CC would be one of those things where people are just going to end up travelling to places they shouldn't at a time they should really avoid it. The worst part really is that I don't see Niantic's control on spoofing getting any better. Even a TR report takes more than a day to get resolved and still comes back as a dud. IT IS POSSIBLE TO SPOOF TO L16 RIGHT NOW.

  • Awaiting with eager the global challenges about trekker and missions.

    Anomalies are not lost, somewhere in the future works for everyone.

    Thank you NIA for keeping ingress playable.

  • Also very disappointed, but given the apparent inability of some countries to control this pandemic, it is the proper decision. It appears Americans may be unwelcome in much of the world for some time.

    Looking forward to your creative approaches to maintaining our have and community, and to seeing my Ingress friends around the world in 2021!

  • Ya me esperaba este tipo de anuncio, ya que esto de la pandemia va a seguir de largo este 2020, esperando de que la situación mejore para poder retornar a los eventos presenciales.

  • I'm glad, safety first. Excited for the new features

  • safety first. Ban cheaters. Ty

  • mspiratemspirate ✭✭✭

    Thank you for coming up with creative ideas so players can still enjoy Ingress safely within whatever constraints that may be necessary. Stay safe and well, everyone.

  • MorganzaMorganza ✭✭✭✭✭

    The sane healthy majority of Americans apologize deeply for the... others.

    I'm starting to see events for the fall and winter get cancelled, so "no anomalies" is, unfortunately, the right call. Smaller events with less or no travel planning needed will be a better move.

  • GrogyanGrogyan ✭✭✭✭✭

    New Zealand and Iceland are just a couple of the very few countries that have the virus under control, and is business as usual.

    In fact Auckland July FS, is unofficially a traditional First Saturday

  • CHU47CHU47 ✭✭

    Thank you for taking care of us. It is appreciated.

    All Niantic games have been modified to play as safe as possible. That is really great.

  • Safety and health always first, thanks for taking care of us. Looking forward for the new format events :)

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