Ingress vs Pokemon Appeal
Open letter request to Niantic
One of the most annoying things in Wayfarer is the difference in Portal spacing (Ingress) vs Pokestop spacing (Pokemon). I am requesting that you give some serious thought to changing this for a couple of reasons.
#1 - It almost seems silly to me that Portals populate closer to each other than Pokestops based on entire ideal and playstyles of the games. In Ingress we want portals further apart to create large Fields (triangles) and having a sliver thin field is in general pretty pointless. In Pokemon having multiple Pokestops close together is beneficial for game as it causes more Pokemon to spawn in the area and this effect can even be increased via ingame lures. So why exactly was the idea ever introduced in first place to require Pokestops to be further apart than Portals?
#2 - There has always been potential for ingame abuse by players moving Portals, but this has gotten much worse as Pokemon players tend to move Portals for the purpose of creating a Gym (number of Portals / Pokestops in an area) or to cause existing ingame Ingress Portals to spawn Pokestops in the game (how many comments have you guys read in Wayfarer / OPR lately saying things like "please select western most spot so it spawns in all 3 games)
#3 - The other side effect of Portals not spawning in Pokemon as Pokestops is many players are submitting numerous duplicate Wayfarer candidates (and really this is not their fault; esp as many of them have never played Ingress so when they locate a very good candidate they can not understand why it never shows up in game, esp when Wayfarer tells them their submission has been approved)
Would love to standardize this across all 3 games
Ive long said submissions should not be game dependant, maybe they should bring back field trip for that purpose,
In Ingress we want portals further apart to create large Fields (triangles) and having a sliver thin field is in general pretty pointless.
I disagree with this statement.
Not everybody is engaged with large operations, but still enjoy doing the microfielding and player for AP and medal. The current distance between portal don't do any harm.
In Pokemon having multiple Pokestops close together is beneficial for game as it causes more Pokemon to spawn in the area and this effect can even be increased via ingame lures. So why exactly was the idea ever introduced in first place to require Pokestops to be further apart than Portals?
Pokémon have a lot more things to do besides interaction with the pokestops, that's why they have a limitation. But I too dislike the current system, because its obviously flawed and damaging the whole system as you said in statements #1 and #2.
I like an easy way to create many fields. So portals close to each other is good. Same for refueling.
as for PoGo submissions I see multiple with wrong location. Say too far away from center of object, close to building etc. and lots of temporary objects. Wrong location I always move on review. And I am much stricter now on quality of photo, temporary objects etc. Repeat abusers should be banned from submitting/review.
pogo players moving objects is bad for Niantic not only ingress gives them bad data and this decreases the value of their database I do not understand why the accept it