Updates to upcoming Ingress events

edited March 2020 in News


We have made the decision to postpone or cancel the following events:

  • April 4 First Saturday: All global events have been canceled. 
  • April 25 Lexicon Hexathlon: All 15 events have been postponed (Announced Mission Days following the Hexathlon event will also be postponed).
  • May 9 Requiem Anomaly: This event has been postponed.
  • May 9 - July 3 NL1331X: This event has been postponed (Announced Mission Days associated with NL1331X will also be postponed).

The registration for Requiem and Lexicon scheduled to open today will be postponed to a later date. We are looking into alternate dates within the next 12 months and will provide an update as soon as possible.

Given the varying degrees of impact and risk from location to location, there is no one-size-fits-all solution across our live events. We will continue to monitor the risk level assessments for each country and observe guidelines from global health experts and local authorities. Updates to the rescheduled dates and registration details will be announced as soon as possible. 

Our top priority will always be the health and safety of everyone who attends and puts on our events.  We understand that many people have been planning for and looking forward to these events for a long time and we look forward to getting these back on the calendar soon. 

We thank you for your understanding.

Ingress Events Team 


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