Update: Umbra Deploy Challenge
Niantic › admin
A quick update on the Umbra Deploy Challenge to address some of your questions:
1) Only deploys (not upgrades) will count towards the 30M threshold.
2) The 30M threshold is NOT total unique deploys. It is cumulative deploys from all Agents during the event.
3) Upgrades and deploys count as the same action for the individual medal. If you deploy to slot 1 then upgrade slot 1, that will count as a single deploy for you. If someone else deploys to slot 1 then you upgrade slot 1, it count as deploy for both Agents.
I thought Upgrades didn't count?
From the original challenge post: "As a reminder, this event is for deploys only. Upgrading a Resonator will not count as a deploy. "
But now: "If someone else deploys to slot 1 then you upgrade slot 1, it count as deploy for both Agents."
And confusingly: "Only deploys (not upgrades) will count towards the 30M threshold."
So is it that upgrades don't count for the 30,000,000 challenge, but do count for our personal counter?
Number 1 and 3 seems like they dont work together...
Will there be a tracker available for the total global deploys?
1) is the global counter. 3) is the individual one.
That's great, it means that if you play with another agent it will help both to accomplish the goal.
Thanks for clarify it.
Thank you. I need to get some more tea...
It can but I think they mean for the overall it means completely unique portals. If two agents upgraded each other on one fully deployed portal, it would count as only 8 deploys even though 16 deploys happened.
Thank you for the clarification! For individual deploys is it unique reso slots in the event window, or can portals be reused and count?
I think 1 is for everyone, the global challenge. 3 is just for a single player.
Yep. I just needed more tea to be able to read it right. :) Thanks all!
They want 30,000,000 unique portal slots filled but an agent can achieve personal milestones by upgrading their teammates portals.
> The 30M threshold is NOT total unique deploys. It is cumulative deploys from all Agents during the event.
This does not make it any clearer. Can one resonator slot count twice towards the global target (if deployed by two agents) or not?
I would imagine if one portal is fully deployed by one agent, destroyed and fully deployed by another agent, that counts as 16.
What if
One agente deploys 8 L1 (8), the second agent deploys 4xL2+4xL3 (8). If the first agent upgrades again, will it count for him individually?
'As a reminder, this event is for deploys only. Upgrading a Resonator will not count as a deploy.' so this is global count only?
Remember, there are TWO challenges happening here.
1, the global deploy challenge. Any deploy, anywhere, by any agent counts, but not upgrades.
2, the personal deploy challenge. Any unique resonator slot deployed or upgraded counts, but only once during the event.
It's basically 13Magnus Reawakens, with a global challenge added.
1.) Deploys doesn't have upgraded, cause the resonator is not a upgraded?
2.) Is that resonator are outnumbered?
3.) Deploy and upgraded must be resonator, after I use the Ingress Scanner?
That was so unfortunate! But, yes! Challenge accepted!
awesome, thankyou for the clarification!
As this is not a unique deploy for the global challenge, I understand that as agents can make the same portal count again (for both global and personal challenge), as long as the portal has been neutralised after the first deploy on the same grey resonator slot.
Could someone at Niantic confirm this, please?
I have a doubt. Suppose I capture a portal, deploy 8 resonators, I get 8 points. My friend destroys and capture it. I recapture the portal and deploy 8 resonators. Will my second time deployment data added to my counter. Or it is one time fully deployment per unique portal?
2) The 30M threshold is NOT total unique deploys. It is cumulative deploys from all Agents during the event.
Sorry, this pair of sentences means nothing. Please explain it better. (Note that 'cumulative' and 'total' kinda mean the same thing in English.)
I think the intention is that it is not to the total of unique deploys. But the total of deploys in general.
Will there ever be a single event with rules that do not warrant extensive clarifications?
Can't you describe them comprehensive enough in the initial announcement?
If the identity of the resonator slot is important, perhaps the red dot could be implemented for north? #featureparity
You seem to forget that people don't read properly...
The initial post clearly states "unique resonator slots" and yet this topic and chats are flooded with comments asking if this means "unique portals" or if they can redeploy slots they already deployed on
“Upgrades and deploys count as the same action for the individual medal. If you deploy to slot 1 then upgrade slot 1, that will count as a single deploy for you. If someone else deploys to slot 1 then you upgrade slot 1, it count as deploy for both Agents.”
Could it be restated like this?
”If it gives you AP, then it counts as a deploy for your badge”.
If yes, does it only count the first time on a given slot, or as many times as you can manage?
Only the first time!
What about "unique resonator slots" aren't people understanding?
We have a small problem with this challenge:
From the original announcement:
A global challenge has been issued to all agents to deploy 30,000,000 unique resonator slots
But this update says
2) The 30M threshold is NOT total unique deploys. It is cumulative deploys from all Agents during the event.
So which is it? Which is correct? The original announcement that 30M unique resonator slots need to be deployed, or that we just need 30M deploys and don't care if they are unique?
Some are arguing that the update means that 30M Threshold includes Deploy - Non-Unique.